Personalized profiling, coaching plans and individual attention in a 1:1 online mode
Expert Tutors
Knowledgeable tutors who will resolve learning gaps and harness your child’s full potential
Session wise and overall tracking with a student dossier and report cards
Periodic assignments and tests, mid and end term reviews and graded evaluation
Features: Features
Parent Connect
Student lead conferences and regular feedback on child's progress and performance.
Online platform for video conferencing, chat, assignments and sharing of materials.
Friendly counselors who will triage and address any engagement gaps
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Our stringent tutor recruitment process backed with strong teaching quality assurance practices.
Start your learning journey with us
Book a FREE assessment session with our expert Tutewiz counsellors. The session will help identify specific areas of improvement for your child, and our counsellors will help recommend an appropriate way forward.